Spiny forest around Ifaty

Little girl from Ifaty - glee with smile
We are waiting for Bird-watching
Beach near Morondava
Madagascar Kestrel (Falco newtoni)
Ruin near the beach
Baobab (Adansonia rubrostipa)
Madagascar Magpie-robin (Copsychus albospecularis)
Alluaudia procera
Little girl from Ifaty - embarrassment
Olive-capped Coua (Coua ruficeps)
Flora in Reniala reserve
Radiated turtle (Astrochelys radiata)
Spiny bibelot
Long-tailed Ground-roller (Uratelornis chimaera)
Small stall on the beach
Exposed roots
Banded Kestrel (Falco zoniventris)
Smile behind the glass
Yellow flower from arboreto (Uncarina decaryi)
Prinia sp.
Flowering succulent plants
Beach with boats
Little girl from Ifaty - Distrust or unsafety
Spiny green
Scared little boy
Cosy with nets
Baobab near the road
Victory nature over technology
Didierea madagascariensis
On the coast