Galapagos - Genovesa

Red-footed Booby (Sula sula)
Prince Philips steps - dry landing point
Young Nasca Booby (Sula granti)
Nasca Booby (Sula granti)
Young Nasca Booby in window (Sula granti)
Broken Earth
Red-footed Booby (Sula sula)
Red-footed Booby (Sula sula)
Red-footed Booby (Sula sula)
Red-footed Booby (Sula sula)
Galapagos Dove (Zenaida galapagoensis)
Great Frigatebird - young bird (Fregata minor)
Great Frigatebird - young bird (Fregata minor)
Cactus - pioneer of the life
Deserted Breeding Place with Nasca Booby
Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis urinator)
Swallow-tailed Gull (Creagrus furcatus)
Swallow-tailed Gull (Creagrus furcatus)
Lava Gull (Leucophaeus fuliginosus)
Great Frigatebird - young bird (Fregata minor)
Large Cactus Finch (Geospiza conirostris)
Great Frigatebird - female (Fregata minor)
Galápagos Sea Lion (Zalophus wollebaeki)
Swallow-tailed Gull (Creagrus furcatus)
Swallow-tailed Gull (Creagrus furcatus)
Great Frigatebird - young bird (Fregata minor)
Great Frigatebird - young bird (Fregata minor)
Landscape with Swallow-tailed Gull
Swallow-tailed Gull - young bird (Creagrus furcatus)
Red-footed Booby (Sula sula) in mangrove
Red-footed Booby (Sula sula)
White cheeked Pintail (Anas bahamensis galapagensis)
White cheeked Pintail (Anas bahamensis galapagensis)
White cheeked Pintail (Anas bahamensis galapagensis)
Lava Heron (Butorides striatus sundevalli)
Yellow-crowned Night Heron (Nyctanassa violacea)
Navigation Markers among Cactuses
Red-footed Booby (Sula sula)
Red-footed Booby (Sula sula)
Great Frigatebird - young birds (Fregata minor)
Yellow Warbler (Setophaga petechia)
Great Frigatebird - young birds (Fregata minor)
Darwin Bay - stony beach
Red-footed Booby (Sula sula)